Chi tiết sản phẩm
Lưỡi cưa vòng bimetal
Mã sản phẩm:  Intenss PRO-DIE
Nhà sản xuất:  Starrett
Xuất xứ:  Mỹ
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Lưỡi cưa Starrett Bi-Metal M42
Chuyên cưa ống inox
Bước răng:
8/12 cưa ống dày, đặc nhỏ
10/14 ống mỏng 2-4mm
14/18 ống mỏng dưới 2mm
Chuyên dùng cho máy cưa vòng mini
* Intenss PRO-DIE band saw blades have bi-metal unique saw technology, triple tempered M-42 cobalt HSS teeth combined with alloy steel backing strip for heat, abrasion and shock resistance, longevity and chip clearing. Ideal for tool, die and mold steels, stainless and nickel based and non-ferrous alloys.

* Features :
Triple tempered M-42 cobalt high speed steel teeth combined with a fatigue resistant alloy steel backing strip.
Longevity and chip clearing advantages of bi-metal unique® saw technology.
Available in a variety of tooth pitches up to a maximum width of 1/2".
Ideal for contour and general purpose cutting.
Resists heat, abrasion and shock, allowing faster cutting rates.
Horizontal and vertical machines.
Ideal for tool, die and mold steels, stainless steels and nickel based and non-ferrous alloys.